Mehrsa Baradaran's Posts

Book Club: How do you solve a problem like Lulu? (February 21, 2011)

I think this book and all the hype surrounding it are a result of several factors: cultural insecurities vis-à-vis Chinese... (Category: )

Mixed Signals (July 14, 2009)

(Thanks again to Gordon and the Conglomerate for allowing me to join your community for a few weeks.) It has... (Category: )

Are Banks (still) Special? (July 07, 2009)

Amid the banking crisis of the 1980s, Gerald Corrigan, then president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve wrote an essay entitled... (Category: Financial Crisis)

Iran's Unlikely Hero (July 01, 2009)

In 2003, Forbes Magazine published an article entitled Millionaire Mullahs. The article discusses the concentrated wealth that the elite clerics... (Category: )

"Gone Too Soon" (June 26, 2009)

For the past 30 minutes, this man in a car parked right outside of my house has been blasting Dangerous.... (Category: Music, Popular Culture)

The End of ILCs? (June 25, 2009)

Thanks Gordon for letting me be part of your blog community for a short time. As part of the Obama... (Category: )

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