Will Baude's Posts

The Trouble With the Welfare State (July 29, 2005)

Jonathan Cohn has a piece up at The New Republic arguing for a "twinkie tax", which is to say a... (Category: Food)

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love... (July 28, 2005)

CAFTA, the Central American Free Trade Agreement passed the House by 2 votes; since the Senate passed it last month,... (Category: Globalization/Trade)

In defense of Grand Theft Auto (July 27, 2005)

I failed to say anything when Hillary Clinton began campaigning against violent video games because I assumed that proposals to... (Category: Politics)

Lights Out (July 26, 2005)

Co-blogger Gordon Smith complains about the withdrawal symptoms of being stuck without internet even for a day. I think I... (Category: Technology)

Too Many Clerks? (July 25, 2005)

Via Mike Rappaport, I see that Michael Barone argues that we have too many Supreme Court law clerks: Some time... (Category: Supreme Court)

Golf as Race Discrimination (July 25, 2005)

Chicago's Lior Strahilevitz, author of a fabulous recent article on the right to destroy, has a new working paper out.... (Category: Law Schools/Lawyering)

Ethics and Preemption in Blogging: A Dissenting View (July 21, 2005)

Larry Ribstein has a post arguing that as a matter of communal blogging ethics bloggers ought to check, to some... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs)

Little Lochners (July 20, 2005)

All of the posts and comments on this blog about the Wisconsin Supreme Court yesterday danced around the general question... (Category: Legal Theory)

Widows and Orphans (July 19, 2005)

In his kind introduction, Vic described my summer employers, The Institute For Justice, as "protect(ing) widows and orphans from large... (Category: Small Business)

Two Ways of Looking at "Rational Basis" (July 18, 2005)

David Bernstein at the Volokh Conspiracy and Christine Hurt (below) have both posted about this decision from the Wisconsin Supreme... (Category: Health Care)

The Economics of Symbolism (July 18, 2005)

In this week's blog post, Professors Becker and Posner confront the economics of gay marriage, in an effort to make... (Category: Family)

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