January 28, 2014
Blawgs Farther Afield
Posted by Erik Gerding

For your mid-winter blawg reading:

Margaret Hagan, a fellow at Stanford's d-school blogs about design-centered approaches to law at the ABA. She also contributes to the Whiteboard,a blog of D-school fellows.

Loyola-Chicago tax professor Sam Brunson has been providing a tax analysis of Downton Abbey (note: I do not endorse watching that show.)

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May 23, 2005
Blawg Review #7. . .
Posted by Christine Hurt

. . . is here, at Jeremy Richey's blawg.

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May 16, 2005
Blawg Review #6. . .
Posted by Christine Hurt
May 09, 2005
Blawg Review #5
Posted by Gordon Smith

Lawsign_2 Welcome to Blawg Review #5!

Conglomerate is proud to host the fifth installment of Blawg Review.  If you are new here, Conglomerate is a joint venture of Christine and Gordon, who keep their own charactistics and properties even while blogging as a cemented front.  (Except, for example, that Christine wrote this post, even though it says that Gordon is the author because he started it.  She was too lazy last night to fix that.)

We hope that while you are here, you will take the time to look around. You will undoubtedly find something of interest. For example, just this morning Christine, our resident ethicist, posted, "When 'Ethics Code' is Code For 'Meaningless Drivel.'" Gordon currently is working on some posts on comparative corporate law (in preparation for a summer class in Sweden), so check back throughout the week.

Even with the frenzy of writing law exams and taking law exams, we have some great posts this week, so here goes....


Keeping the "law" in "blawg," several of our bloggers this week focused their attentions on the legal profession.  For example, Abnu at Wordlab blogs approvingly about one law firm's attempt to brand itself through creative advertising, and Andy Havens has more to say on the topic of law firm branding.  The Greatest American Lawyer revives discussion on the topic of alternatives to hourly billing.  Deep within every lawyer lies a storyteller, and Coyote Lawyer is the Garrison Keillor of lawyers, spinning fictional tales in blog format.  This week, a lawyer finds that his client has gone missing.

On a more serious note, Nivine at Tech Law Blog takes a shooting tragedy in Houston as an opportunity to remind fellow attorneys to seek professional help, including help from the local bar association, before actions get out of hand.

Over at JagCentral, the first in a series of posts examining the military justice systems of other countries, including Canada and India.

Law Schools

The Wisconsin Law School SBA has a blog!  Tip to Inter Alia.

The topic we all love to hate:  USNWR rankings.  Larry Ribstein wonders if there is a "market for control" for law schools; do deans who captain law schools sliding down the rankings feel the heat?  Boards of trustees don't seem to be as amenable to takeover as do boards of directors, but deans could be as expendable as lackluster CEOs.  Earlier in the week, I suggested that we try to co-opt the USNWR into using as inputs in its formula numbers that might actually be useful.

As law students head out to summer clerkships, John Dzienkowski at Legal Ethics Forum gives tips as to how to evaluate the ethics of your employer.

Blogs & Blawgs

Neill at TechnoLawyerBlogs has seen the future, and the future is an RSS feed that gives the recipient the look and feel of the real blog.  Meanwhile, different writers at Between Lawyers debate whether law firms and lawyers should maintain blogs.  Relatedly, Mommy Blawger wonders whether lawyers are more blog-savvy than "normal people."  If I knew any normal people, I would ask them!

Culture Wars

Apropos of nothing, I can't help but think about a line in an NPR story on Friday about religious law schools.  The line (paraphrased) was "the culture wars will be won or lost in the courts."  Wow.  Anyway, Daniel Solove is guest blogging at PrawfsBlawg and compares today's  South Park conservatives to post-modernists.


We had several bloggers who are interested in avoiding, anticipating or defending litigation in the employment law arena.  Michael Harris at George's Employment Blog warns HR professionals that they may be named as defendants in employment lawsuits that would traditionally be brought against the company as an entity.  Anthony Cerminaro at Bizz Bang Buzz gives an overview of contracts signed in the employment context, including ones that are often the subject of litigation, such as noncompetition agreements and nondisclosure agreements.

No talk of litigation would be complete with discussion of the spectre of litigation abuse.  Over at Notes From the (Legal) Underground, Evan Schaeffer questions media headlines that wail about doctors leaving town and wonders why the newspaper in the receiving town doesn't have a corresponding headline.  Are they all disappearing to John Galt-opia or are they merely moving to other towns for personal reasons?  As can be expected, there is lively commentary.

I suppose this post goes under "litigation," but it could go under "culture wars" just as nicely.  Jim Lindgren offers an intriguing juxtaposition:  Martha Stewart v. Jennifer "Runaway Bride" Wilbanks.


Eric Goldman gives an expert analysis of whether AskJeeves has a Spyware problem.  I might hang on to this post for use as an exam question on agency doctrine!

Blogging on Flickr? Yes. Check out this link to Smaragd's photo stream, get a creepy photo and commentary on the Real ID Act.

Should this post be filed under "Technology" or the next heading? The dark goddess of replevin has composed a tribute to the life-changing effects of sticky notes.

The Strange, the Ironic, and the Bizarre

Norm Pattis at Crime & Federalism discusses the irony of Nancy Grace being criticized by an Eleventh Circuit judge in a written opinion but concludes that this incident will not affect her popularity.  E.L. Everson at AutoMuse tells "the rest of the story" about an opponent of seat belts who, ironically, was killed in an auto accident.


Information on the next Blawg Review and how to submit your interesting blog entries is here.

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May 05, 2005
Coming Next Week: Blawg Review #5
Posted by Gordon Smith

We will be hosting Blawg Review #5 next week, and the editors of Blawg Review have constructed a nice post soliciting entries. Check it out!

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May 02, 2005
Blawg Review #4
Posted by Gordon Smith

It's up over at Law & Entrepreneurship News. I hosted it this week, so do me a favor and at least take a peek at it.

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April 25, 2005
Posted by Gordon Smith

This week's Blawg Review is up at Appellate Law & Practice.

Meanwhile, the Carnival of the Capitalists stops at Peaktalk.

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April 10, 2005
What I Should Have Submitted to Blawg Review
Posted by Gordon Smith

Kudos to Evan Schaeffer for posting the first installment of the Blawg Review. The past few days have been so crazy that I didn't manage a submission in this inaugural posting, but Conglomerate will be hosting the Blawg Review next month, and we should be a regular participant.

If I had submitted an entry to Blawg Review, it would have been "Contracts and Corporations," where I discuss Nate Oman's new article. If you are interested in contract theory, take a look anyway, as long as you are here.

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