Donald Clarke's Posts

Tort damages for wrongful death in China (February 18, 2008)

As my two-week guest blogging stint is now over, I want to thank Gordon for inviting me and hope that... (Category: China, Comparative Law, Torts)

Chinese corporate law: where's the beef? (3) (February 12, 2008)

To continue from yesterday's post on problems with bringing securities-related lawsuits: In addition to the standing and cause-of-action problems, there... (Category: China, Comparative Law, Corporate Governance)

Chinese corporate law: where's the beef? (2) (February 11, 2008)

In my first post, I mentioned that one question one must always ask about corporate governance rules in Chinese law... (Category: China, Comparative Law, Corporate Governance)

No trespassing in Chinese law? (February 09, 2008)

A recent discussion on the Chinalaw listserv has revealed a fascinating loophole in Chinese real property law: nowhere does it... (Category: China, Comparative Law, Law & Society)

The elementary particle of Chinese real property law: the suite (February 06, 2008)

Having taught the first-year property course for eight years and instructed my students in the "bundle of sticks" model of... (Category: China, Comparative Law)

Chinese corporate law: where's the beef? (February 04, 2008)

Many thanks to Gordon for his kind introduction and for inviting me on as a guest blogger. I'm a regular... (Category: China, Comparative Law, Corporate Governance, Corporate Law, Law & Society)

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