Joan Heminway's Posts

The Continuing Saga of Hobby Lobby and Disclosure (July 18, 2014)

Many thanks to The Glom for allowing me to chime in here. As you might be able to tell from... (Category: Business Organizations, Current Affairs, Hobby Lobby, Supreme Court)

Regulation Crowdfunding: Fair and Balanced (October 27, 2013)

On Wednesday, as many now know, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released its long-awaited rule proposal release under... (Category: JOBS Act)

CSR: What Dan Said (A Footnote) (August 17, 2012)

Christine notes in her post: "Frequent reader and commenter Jake suggests the CFA issue is a non-issue because the controversy... (Category: Masters: CSR)

CSR: Doctrine and . . . CSE? (August 16, 2012)

First, a few prelimiaries. I admittedly come at this issue as someone who has not been a huge proponent of... (Category: Masters: CSR)

JOBS Act Forum Epilogue: Title II Roundtable (August 10, 2012)

A bit over a month ago, I had the privilege of attending a roundtable discussion at NYU on Title II... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act, JOBS Act, Securities)

Special Forum: JOBS Act - Introducing the CROWDFUND Act (April 26, 2012)

Bob has done yeoman's work in introducing the first three days of this forum. (Do I hear applause in the... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act)

Special Forum: JOBS Act - More Metaphors, Many Questions (April 25, 2012)

I cannot resist picking up where Usha left off . . . . What about "Road to Nowhere?" As a... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act)

Special Forum: JOBS Act - Teaching Exemptions, Ralston Purina, Google, and Section 12(g) (April 24, 2012)

I will refrain here (at least for now) from choosing one of Brett's three "stories" and from commenting on Erik's... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act)

Special Forum: JOBS Act - The Devil's in the Details . . . . (April 23, 2012)

Bob’s initial post provides a great summary to start us off. I will just add two general things about the... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act)

Chancellor Chandler and Three Important Things to Know/Remember (November 15, 2011)

Since Afra stole my original idea (!), I will not use my Master's Forum posting to cover the Airgas opinion.... (Category: Delaware, Masters: Chandler)

ScamLaw: Transparency is a No-Brainer (Postscript) (September 10, 2011)

Thanks to Usha for organizing and contributing to this Master's forum. Regrettably, I got tied up in travel and family... (Category: Masters: ScamLaw)

Dodd-Frank@1: Reforming the SEC? (July 22, 2011)

As some of you know, I have been following and assessing (through the lens of change leadership literature) reform efforts... (Category: Masters: Dodd-Frank@1)

Corporate Finance Roundtable: Teaching Mergers and Acquisitions (June 24, 2011)

Among the conundra that we business law teachers face is where, when, and how to teach M&A. A number of... (Category: Finance, Roundtable: Corp Fin, Teaching)

Corporate Finance Roundtable: Teaching Methods and Tools (June 23, 2011)

When I started teaching law, I wrestled not only with whether and how to fashion a course in Corporate Finance,... (Category: Finance, Roundtable: Corp Fin, Teaching)

Corporate Finance Roundtable: Corporate Finance as Planning and Drafting (June 23, 2011)

Not to disagree completely with my friend and colleague Karl Okamoto, but I do believe there is value to a... (Category: Finance, Roundtable: Corp Fin, Teaching)

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