David Hoffman's Posts

Masters Forum (Legal Education): Accreditation After the Bubble Has Burst (March 22, 2011)

Let's assume that the applicant data noted by Erik, the WSJ, and countless gleeful business school admissions officers, are a... (Category: AALS, Law & Economics, Law Schools/Lawyering, Masters: Legal Education)

Executive Compensation: Dark Matter, Unions, Social Norms, and Pay (January 21, 2011)

Just yesterday, Tony Jackson's FT column took the idea I had for this post, which was to praise my colleague... (Category: Masters: Exec Comp)

Agenda for the 112th: When Nothing Is Good Enough (November 04, 2010)

I’m sure a clever experimentalist has tested the do-something bias – that when advising others, we are more likely to... (Category: Masters: Agenda)

Oh, and Delenda Est Carthago (July 25, 2005)

Today ends my guest blogging stint here at the Conglomerate. A big thank you to Christine, Gordon and Vic for... (Category: )

Deterrence and Subway Searches (July 24, 2005)

[Warning: The following post contains unrealistic economic models of the behavior of very evil people.] Dan Solove at Prawfsblawg posted... (Category: Current Affairs)

Irrational Love of John Roberts (July 21, 2005)

More on the virtual market problem. Larry Ribstein ["Blogger B-E?"] over at Ideoblog suggests that unregulated trading markets are likely... (Category: )

Trading Markets at Volokh (July 20, 2005)

Jim Lindgren and Orin Kerr are having an inter-conspiracy spat over at Volokh regarding the performance of the Supreme Court... (Category: )

Advances in Human Knowledge (July 19, 2005)

The NYT offers this charming story about fruit distributors' plan to tattoo fruit with laser codes, eliminating the need for... (Category: Technology)

Judy Miller in Prison (July 18, 2005)

Editor and Publisher provides this interesting report discussing the experiences of Judy Miller (of the NYT) in prison. I don't... (Category: Crime and Criminal Law)

Harry Potter and the Balance Sheet of Irregularities (July 18, 2005)

I'm one of the millions that "pre-ordered" the latest Potter book on Amazon. I enjoyed it as a unique work,... (Category: Books)

The iPod Halo Effect (July 14, 2005)

Apple reported yesterday that its net quarterly income rose to $320M, from $67M in 2004, drawing on another jump in... (Category: Businesses of Note)

Navel Gazing (Part XXVII) (July 13, 2005)

Tom Smith (of The Web of Law fame) has an interesting new post disclosing preliminary results of an empirical look... (Category: Legal Scholarship)

Hello Folks! (July 13, 2005)

Hi! I want to thank Christine and Gordon for giving me the opportunity to guest blog here for a little... (Category: Books)

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