Peter Huang's Posts

A Goodbye Song and Tiger Cub Strikes Back (November 13, 2011)

Alas, this is the last post of my guest blogging stint here at the Glom. Thanks again for an informative... (Category: Books, Business Ethics, Education, Law & Economics, Law Schools/Lawyering, Popular Culture, Social Responsibility, Wisdom and Virtue)

Some More Legal Payoffs to Emotions including Happiness (November 12, 2011)

I highlight some additional benefits to lawyers from paying attention to and learning more about emotions by recommending these five... (Category: Books, Law & Economics)

Some Legal Payoffs to Better Understanding Emotions Generally and Happiness Particularly (November 08, 2011)

I am grateful for Usha’s latest post about her ambivalence to law and emotions scholarship because it provides an opportunity... (Category: Economics, Financial Crisis, Law & Economics, Law & Society, Loose Ends, Popular Culture, Securities, Teaching)

Measuring Aggregate Happiness (November 07, 2011)

As promised this post will be about recent proposals advocating that governments adopt various measures of aggregate happiness to complement... (Category: Books, Economics, Finance, Law & Economics, Politics)

Daylight Saving Time, Finance, Emotions, and Law (November 06, 2011)

Except for Arizona and Hawaii, the United States ended this calendar's observance of Daylight Saving Time at 2 a.m. local... (Category: Current Affairs, Economics, Finance, Investing, Law & Economics, Law & Society, Popular Culture, Securities)

A Shout Out To Brazen And Tenured (November 05, 2011)

I am happy to recommend a new blog Brazen And Tenured - Law Politics Nature and Culture from two of... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs, Current Affairs, Economics, Environment, Law & Economics, Law & Society, Law Schools/Lawyering, Legal Theory, Popular Culture, Wisdom and Virtue)

Corporate Greed, Behavioral Economics, and Financial Regulation in the Movies and on TV (November 04, 2011)

An article in today's Life section of USA Today titled Movies tap into anger at Wall Street describes how 3... (Category: Art & Culture, Business Ethics, Current Affairs, Economics, Film, Finance, Financial Crisis, Law & Economics, Law & Society, Popular Culture, Securities, Social Responsibility, Television, White Collar Crime)

Fear, Greed, and the Film Margin Call: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective (November 02, 2011)

I recently saw the movie, Margin Call, which is currently playing in theaters and is available on demand at Comcast.... (Category: Art & Culture, Business Ethics, Current Affairs, Economics, Film, Finance, Financial Crisis, Investing, Law & Economics, Popular Culture, Securities, Social Responsibility, SSRN)

Experiences v. Memories: Should Law and Policy Care More About Your First Love or Your Memories of It? (November 01, 2011)

As promised at the conclusion of my first post, this post concerns a riddle that Danny Kahneman posed about how... (Category: Law & Economics, Wisdom and Virtue)

Thinking About Thinking (October 31, 2011)

Many thanks to Eric and fellow Glom bloggers for this real option to contribute some guest posts. I’ll focus in... (Category: Law & Society, Legal Scholarship)

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