Darian Ibrahim's Posts

Signing off, with thanks! (September 13, 2009)

My two weeks are up, and I want to thank the entire Glom community for making me feel so welcome.... (Category: Administrative)

Securities Law Impediments to Entrepreneurship (September 12, 2009)

My research has focused on how sophisticated entrepreneurial parties – including angel investors, venture capitalists, venture lenders, and entrepreneurs –... (Category: Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, IPOs, Law & Entrepreneurship, Securities, Venture Capital)

Law Review Reform: Charging for Submissions? (September 06, 2009)

It’s (still) that time of year, so of course we need another post on the law review submission process! I’m... (Category: Legal Scholarship)

Rational Choice or Behavioral Law and Economics? (September 04, 2009)

While there are behavioral biases in entrepreneurial finance – e.g., entrepreneurs are overconfident and VCs fall prey to the availability... (Category: Economics, Law & Economics)

Advice for Faculty Appointments Candidates (September 03, 2009)

As a first timer on the appointments committee, I wanted to add my two cents to the great advice for... (Category: AALS, Teaching)

Debt is Sexy (September 01, 2009)

Thanks to Gordon for his nice words about my new paper on venture debt, and for his great help whipping... (Category: Entrepreneurship, Finance, Law & Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital)

The Securities Regulation Course (August 31, 2009)

Thanks to Gordon and everyone at the Glom for having me back to visit. It’s a real pleasure to be... (Category: Financial Crisis, Securities, Teaching)

Thank You! (October 29, 2006)

I’m a daily reader of Conglomerate, and it’s been really fun to guest blog here for a short while. I... (Category: Loose Ends)

Public vs. Private Equity Markets (October 25, 2006)

I’m interested in the interplay between public and private equity markets, and specifically whether these markets work together or whether... (Category: Venture Capital)

Small Intensives (October 24, 2006)

I thank Lisa and Jeremy for their terrific comments on my Disney posts. The paper that produced those posts was... (Category: )

Disney and Best Practices vs. Acceptable Practices (October 23, 2006)

While today might be about Enron rather than Disney, I promised two posts on Disney, so here goes the second...... (Category: Fiduciary Law)

Disney and Individual vs. Collective Director Liability (October 21, 2006)

When the Delaware Supreme Court issued its most recent opinion in Disney, Lisa posted on two very interesting aspects of... (Category: Fiduciary Law)

UA Law/Entrepreneurship Program (October 19, 2006)

First Usha's terrific post on training dealmakers, and now Gordon’s, gives me an opportunity to talk about something new we’re... (Category: Law Schools/Lawyering)

Angel Investment Organizations (October 17, 2006)

Vic and Bill Sjostrom both respond with great questions to my earlier post on angel investing. My post claimed that... (Category: Law & Entrepreneurship)

The Puzzling Behavior of Angel Investors (October 17, 2006)

Thanks to my hosts for the opportunity to visit, and to Gordon for the warm welcome. Like Gordon and Vic,... (Category: Law & Entrepreneurship)

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