Rob Illig's Posts

Teaching Transactional Law 2 (August 25, 2008)

Day 6 - hello again, but probably for the last time. My expiration date is fast approaching, but I've thoroughly... (Category: Teaching)

Teaching Transactional Law (August 22, 2008)

Day 5 as a guest blogger - I'm really enjoying Gordon's meditations on teaching (as well as Stephen Bainbridge's), and... (Category: Teaching)

Black Market for Law School Courses (August 21, 2008)

Day 4 - Another short post, as I'm off to teach my two classes. Gordon's post on teaching philosophy is... (Category: )

Hedge Fund Compensation (August 20, 2008)

Day 3 as a guest blogger - I promised on Monday to comment on why I am so enthused about... (Category: Hedge Funds)

Who Should Take Antitrust (August 19, 2008)

Ok, day 2 as a guest blogger. I'm off in a few minutes to teach the first day of Business... (Category: Antitrust)

The News from Oregon (August 18, 2008)

Ok – it’s the first day of classes and my first blog. What a nightmare to start so early, but... (Category: Corporate Law)

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