Jeff Lipshaw's Posts

CSR: Chick-Fil-A, Taxonomies, and Definitions - A Curmudgeon's Response (August 16, 2012)

When Erik proposed this forum, I responded that I didn't think I had anything profound to say because (a) I... (Category: Masters: CSR)

JOBS Act Pedagogy (April 26, 2012)

I have been sitting back and learning from the other Masters, but I confess to a far more mundane reaction... (Category: Forum: JOBS Act)

Chancellor Chandler and the Working Corporate Lawyer (November 15, 2011)

I will leave to others Chancellor Chandler's contribution to the great body of corporate law, as well as personal felicitations... (Category: Masters: Chandler)

ScamLaw: Victimhood vs. Responsibility (September 09, 2011)

I approach this with some trepidation, given I don't think you can win in a debate on the proposition "RESOLVED:... (Category: Masters: ScamLaw)

Au Revoir (October 26, 2008)

Thanks for the opportunity to be a guest. On to finals. (Category: Loose Ends)

Some Metatheory on Justifying Lawyers' Existence (October 25, 2008)

My previous post (or stream of consciousness rant) on the classic Ronald Gilson value creation article generated a number of... (Category: Legal Theory)

The Mythology of Value Creation: Lawyers, Neckties, and Balinese Cock-Fighting (October 23, 2008)

Usha's post below, with its reference to Ronald Gilson's 1984 article on value creation by lawyers, prompts me to a... (Category: Law & Economics, Legal Theory, M&A, Rants)

The Ballad of Pinter v. Dahl - Reprise (October 21, 2008)

I'm pretty sure this is available somewhere in the bowels of the blogosphere, but I'm reprising it again. As every... (Category: Humor, Securities, Television)

Huntsman, Apollo, and Contract Theory (October 21, 2008)

I have decided to take a break from my two current obsessive-compulsive tics: minute-by-minute visits to and to the... (Category: Contracts, M&A)

How Do You Regulate Good Judgment? (October 16, 2008)

General Motors Corp.'s board gave a cool reception to the idea of acquiring Chrysler LLC after GM's top management discussed... (Category: Corporate Governance)

A Word to the Wise About Law Review Author Agreements (October 14, 2008)

Keep them in a single, clearly marked file. I consider myself an eminently organized person, but I just got flattered... (Category: Loose Ends)

Fear, Greed, & Morality: Walking and Chewing Gum? (October 13, 2008)

It's so nice to have a chance to guest blog over here with many of my friends. For the next... (Category: Law & Entrepreneurship)

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