Geoff Manne's Posts

Antitrust in China (and a Fond Farewell) (November 11, 2005)

It is commonly said that, as tariff barriers to trade have fallen around the world, private barriers have become correspondingly... (Category: )

Lessons from the Monothingy Debacle (November 09, 2005)

Lior Strahilevitz, blogging at the University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog (has anyone come up with a cute shorthand... (Category: Current Affairs, Politics)

Fine Cheese Can Be Quite Lowbrow (November 08, 2005)

As a guest here, I know to be respectful of my hosts. And I mean to be – I am.... (Category: Cheese, Food)

Why Nonprofits? (November 08, 2005)

Why do promoters ever choose to form nonprofits? (The obvious answer -- the substantial tax benefits -- only begs the... (Category: Corporate Governance)

What the Reverse Vampires Are Up To (November 04, 2005)

For some reason it seems to have passed with little fanfare (at least in my rarefied circles), but recently the... (Category: Business Ethics, Current Affairs, Politics, Technology)

The List (November 04, 2005)

For all five of you following the fascinating dicsussion in the comments to this post, here's my list of the... (Category: Legal Scholarship)

Lead Article? Who Cares? (November 03, 2005)

It's not that I can't come up with my own topics, it's just that David keeps anticipating me. So, once... (Category: Legal Scholarship)

How Like an Accountant, Indeed (November 02, 2005)

I'm not picking on David in the slightest here -- I just happen to be riffing on his latest post.... (Category: Accounting)

Janitors, Guns and Money (November 02, 2005)

My fellow guest blogger, David Zaring, asks, "Should 'proactive' duties on be imposed on lawyers to investigate the financial statements... (Category: Accounting, Fiduciary Law)

More on the CIC and Nonprofit Accountability (November 01, 2005)

I said I'd post more on the Community Interest Company. But then Vic and Steve and Larry and Steve weighed... (Category: Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility)

A Form of Organization Between Nonprofit and Public Corporation (October 31, 2005)

Like Homer Simpson discovering a meal between breakfast and brunch, the British government has recently “discovered” an organizational form between... (Category: Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility)

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