Joe Miller's Posts

Good Day, and Good Luck (October 29, 2005)

Thank you to Gordon, Christine, and Vic for asking me to share some thoughts here over the past two weeks.... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs)

What's In a (Blog) Name? (October 26, 2005)

Larry Ribstein, getting into Dan Solove's fun on how to price a blog for sale, has a great post that... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs)

All the Print that Fits (October 26, 2005)

Interesting news today on the book digitization front: According to this story in the New York Times, Microsoft has joined... (Category: Intellectual Property)

The Political is Personal (October 24, 2005)

President Bush announced Ben Bernanke, head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, as his nominee to succeed Alan... (Category: Politics)

The Next Nominee (October 20, 2005)

The road ahead for Ms. Miers gets rockier each day. Sen. Specter's calling the White House's performance "chaotic" is wild... (Category: Supreme Court)

Scholarship's Social Layer (October 19, 2005)

The Yale Law Journal's launch of a bloglike "online companion" for the Journal, called The Pocket Part, has generated a... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs, Internet, Junior Scholars, Law Student Blogs, Legal Scholarship, SSRN, Technology)

Executive Compensation Method ... Patents? (October 18, 2005)

Executive compensation issues, including disclosure questions, are doubtless part of the regular intellectual diet for hearty Conglomerate fans. What connection... (Category: Corporate Governance, Intellectual Property, Technology)

The Latest Drug Patent Sabre Dance (October 17, 2005)

Four years ago, almost to the day, we had a dustup with Bayer over our too-small ciprofloxacin stockpile. The mail-borne... (Category: Contracts, Economics, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Technology)

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