Elizabeth Pollman's Posts

Hobby Lobby and Competing Interests Within the Corporation (July 16, 2014)

Thanks to the Conglomerate for hosting this excellent symposium. I’d like to pick back up an issue that I briefly... (Category: Hobby Lobby)

Growth Mindset (July 05, 2014)

Psychologist Carol Dweck studied elementary school students and observed that when some of them came across math problems that they... (Category: )

On Hobby Lobby (July 02, 2014)

I love Usha’s post today and it adds to some excellent commentary on the Hobby Lobby decision. For those looking... (Category: )

A Corporate Right to Privacy? (June 28, 2014)

The Supreme Court’s decision in Hobby Lobby is expected to come down on Monday morning. While we wait, I thought... (Category: )

Human-Equity Investing (June 26, 2014)

And now for a fascinating development from the startup world … Several companies have sprung up that allow investors to... (Category: )

What Do Great Speakers Do? (June 24, 2014)

Many thanks to Gordon and the Glom for the invitation! As Gordon mentioned in his kind introduction, I’m an associate... (Category: )

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