David Skeel's Posts

Parting Thoughts on Christianity and Corporate Law (May 16, 2009)

I’ve greatly enjoyed the two weeks of discussion of Christianity and corporate law, and think there are many promising leads... (Category: Forum: Faith)

What is a Christian Perspective on Corporate Law? (May 04, 2009)

When I think about Christian perspectives on corporate law, I find myself worrying over the same set of questions. As... (Category: Forum: Faith)

after the fact thoughts on Disney (August 13, 2005)

Hi, Everyone: I managed to miss the excitement due to travel on Wed and technical incompetence on Thurs, but the... (Category: Disney, Forum: Disney)

the ebbers verdict (March 15, 2005)

As everyone who's reading this blog probably knows, the Ebbers verdict is now in: guilty on all nine counts. It's... (Category: Corporate Governance)

Corporate Odds & Ends: Final Remarks (March 06, 2005)

Absent an eleventh hour brainstorm, this will be the last post of my two week stint as a guest blogger.... (Category: Corporate Governance)

shareholder choice in corporate law (March 05, 2005)

Perhaps the biggest corporate law debate in the academic literature these days is the debate as to whether shareholders should... (Category: Corporate Governance)

sarbanes oxley 404 (March 05, 2005)

Larry Ribstein has an interesting post (here) noting the some of the second thoughts on SOXA 404's internal control system... (Category: Corporate Governance)

the MCI battle (March 02, 2005)

The MCI battle raises, or may soon raise, a very interesting Revlon issue that seems to get lost in the... (Category: Corporate Governance)

ebbers and scandal trials (March 02, 2005)

Now that Bernie Ebbers has taken the stand, it's tempting to compare his criminal trial to the scandal trials of... (Category: Corporate Governance)

corporate vote buying (March 01, 2005)

The proposed acquisition by Mylan Labs of King Pharmaceuticals collapsed yesterday, but along the way it revealed a critical new... (Category: Corporate Governance)

Disney and Good Faith: Two Duties or Three? (February 24, 2005)

As we wait for Chancellor Chandler to hand down his decision in Disney (and many of us try to decide... (Category: Corporate Governance)

delaware good faith and corp morality: a reprise (February 24, 2005)

A couple of quick notes on two earlier posts. First, on the topic of Delaware's good faith duty, Larry Ribstein... (Category: Corporate Governance)

santorum and social security (February 23, 2005)

One of the big stories here in Pennsylvania today is the chilly reception Sen. Rick Santorum got in several Phila... (Category: Politics)

self interest and corporate morality (February 21, 2005)

Many thanks to the brain trust at the Conglomerate for inviting me to muse out loud for the next two... (Category: Business Ethics)

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