Fred Tung's Posts

Wrapping Up: Hastings Summer Camp for Corporate Law Professors (June 20, 2011)

UC Hastings' Roger Traynor Summer Program wrapped up last week. We enjoyed 3 weeks of corporate and tax workshops by... (Category: )

Hastings Traynor Workshop: Policing Public Companies (Amanda Rose) (June 08, 2011)

We're still alive and kicking over at the Hastings Traynor Summer Program. Yesterday Amanda Rose presented her very interesting project... (Category: )

Hastings Workshop: Making Banks Transparent (Bobby Bartlett) (June 01, 2011)

Continuing with the Financial Crisis theme, Bobby Bartlett comes to Hastings' Traynor Workshop tomorrow to present his paper, Making Banks... (Category: Financial Crisis)

Hastings Workshop: Bank CEOs, Inside Debt Compensation, and the Global Financial Crisis (June 01, 2011)

As part of Hastings' Roger Traynor Summer Program, I've just presented my paper on bank CEO compensation. Here's the abstract:... (Category: Financial Crisis)

Hastings Summer Camp for Corporate Law Professors (May 31, 2011)

I'm in San Francisco for 3 weeks--along with Todd Henderson, Amanda Rose, and Chris Brummer. We're inaugural Roger J. Traynor... (Category: Conferences)

Pay for Banker Performance (February 05, 2010)

I've just posted a paper on SSRN: Pay for Banker Performance: Structuring Executive Compensation for Risk Regulation. The basic idea... (Category: )

Events at Emory (February 05, 2010)

Just a heads-up on upcoming business-related events at Emory: Next Thursday, February 11th, we'll be holding our annual Thrower Symposium.... (Category: )

Mapping Bank Failures (August 14, 2009)

Here's a neat little time-elapse map of U.S. bank failures since the start of the Financial Crisis. The map records... (Category: )

Is "Free" the Future? (July 17, 2009)

If you are tired of hearing the saw about information wanting to be free, Malcolm Gladwell has a great book... (Category: )

Chrysler bankruptcy (May 01, 2009)

Here are a few thoughts of mine. It seems a little disingenuous for the administration to cast the Chrysler bondholder... (Category: Businesses of Note, Current Affairs)

Heat and Light on GM (April 01, 2009)

WSJ dubbed it "one of the most dramatic government interventions in private industry since the economic crisis began," and one... (Category: )

Ribstein Response to Professor Tung (The Law Market) (March 18, 2009)

Here is Larry Ribstein's response to my review: Thanks to Fred for his thoughtful comments , and another hearty thanks... (Category: Book Club)

Ribstein Response to Professors Stephan and Trachtman (The Law Market) (March 18, 2009)

Here is Larry Ribstein's response to reviews by Paul Stephan and Joel Trachtman: First, many thanks to Fred for organizing... (Category: Book Club)

Fred Tung on Erin O'Hara & Larry Ribstein, The Law Market (March 18, 2009)

I always learn a lot when I read Erin and Larry’s work, especially on choice of law. Their recent book... (Category: Book Club)

Joel Trachtman on Erin O'Hara & Larry Ribstein, The Law Market (March 18, 2009)

Thanks to Joel Trachtman, Professor of International Law, and formerly the Academic Dean and Interim Dean, at The Fletcher School... (Category: Book Club)

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